This involvement of the Olympian Gods and New Gods into the conflict would culminate during the regime's fourth year, with Zeus bringing his Olympian associates away from the matters of Earth for good after the New Genesis deity Highfather made him realize he was being manipulated by Ares all along. RELATED: Deadshot: How Injustice 2 Refined the Suicide Squad VillainĪs the conflict between the Regime and Insurgency raged on, Diana Prince's half-brother and longtime enemy Ares, the Greek God of War, entered an alliance with Darkseid to gain further power by escalating the violence between the two factions warring for the fate of Earth. Trained as a warrior since birth, Wonder Woman has no moral issues killing and executing opponents to the regime in the name of justice, unlike some other heroes. However, Superman appears largely disinterested in a genuine emotional connection, still mourning the death of Lois and his unborn child.

Join our Age of Social Media Network consisting of X-Men, Marvel, DC, Superhero and Action Movies, Anime, Indie Comics, and numerous fan pages.Wonder Woman ultimately sides with Superman and becomes a major leader within the One Earth Regime, entering a romantic relationship with Kal-El. Subscribe to us on YouTube, Follow us on Twitter, and Like us on Facebook! While both are bad, if it’s destroyed these moments of levity might just be to get us feeling good before the rampant deaths that await us next issue.įinal Thought: First Ch’p dies and now B’dg…Lantern Alien Squirrels just have the worst luck don’t they? However, we don’t know if the Central Power Battery was destroyed or just damaged. Almost as if it’s trying to tone itself back a bit. It still has a serious tone reminiscent of the Green Lantern Corps vs Sinestro Corps War in Injustice 1 but not as overwhelming in its darkness. Though I can understand why they’d be slipped in. Strangely, the moments of levity that tried to get inserted into this issue felt out of place. This was a chapter almost entirely dedicated to action and things are not going so well for the heroes. Shattering it and striking the Central Power Battery within…

Blue Beetle questions how he’s supposed to stand up to that army as their combined might easily pierce the Green Lanterns barrier. One of the Guardians orders all of their kind and Lanterns to defend it. There’s only one target worthy of their combined might, the Central Power Battery. Before they can even contemplate resting, Starro and his army begin charging with energy. Iolande welcomes their new allies but the Red Lanterns are unrelenting. Rather than stay in orbit and continue losing more troops, the order to retreat to Oas surface is given. The battle rages on with Soranik as the latest to fall victim to Starro’s Spores. Seeing this, Atrocitus attempts to recruit Lobo but Blue Beetle flies in to retrieve him and his legs. Angering Lobo who tries to fight Atrocitus as just a torso. But when he arrives he sees a Red Energy Construct fly past him that sends his bike…and his lower body…drifting off into space. Superboy saving Soranik from Dex-Starr while Lobo goes straight for the big man Atrocitus. Lobo, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, and the Titans have arrived. The ever-loyal Bleez, however, is more focused on their new enemies. A fact that Atrocitus takes immense pleasure in. With the Guardian Sayd now under his control, Starro begins the indiscriminate slaughter of Green Lanterns. But as the shaky alliance arrives at the battlefield, they find the war already well underway and a number of Lanterns now victims of Starro’s mind-controlling spores… But Lobo’s less than subtle kidnapping of Blue Beetle has brought the Titans (Superboy, Starfire, & Wonder Girl) into the fray. Tasking him with protecting the young hero while he saved the universe. To combat this, the New God Metron hired the intergalactic bounty Hunter Lobo to bring Blue Beetle. In his quest for vengeance against the Green Lantern Corps, Atrocitus has recruited Starro the Conqueror into the Red Lantern Corps. But with Starro the Conqueror on the side of the Red Lanterns, how long can the heroes hope to last?

War rages above Oa as the Red Lanterns, Green Lanterns, and Titans collide.